It’s a pink bra. It’s on an ad for hearing aids. Why? #FAIL
June 14, 2013
I am at a loss for words at the staggering ineptitude, sexism and downright laziness of this ad for a hearing instrument company. (We will leave, for now, the egregious use of “instrument” for “aid”.)
Do they imagine women will see a pink bra and go, “Ooh! I need a hearing aid”?
Or that men will see a pink bra and go, “Boobs. I need a new hearing aid”?
Or is the work of a pair of pubescent idiots with no understanding of advertising?
I leave you to answer the questions.
What makes me really angry? People see this and then, when they discover I am a copywriter, associate me with it.
1 Comment(s)
Do women really wear bras to boost their confidence…?