Copywriter profiles, Freelance life, This much I know...

Laura Silcock

This much I know…

A series of interviews with copywriters


"If I wasn’t a copywriter, I’d be an interior designer. Both involve lworking out what makes people tick. But interior design involves SHOPPING!"
“If I wasn’t a copywriter, I’d be an interior designer. Both involve working out what makes people tick. But interior design involves SHOPPING!”

You can recognise great copy because it …
…is a pleasure to read AND encourages you to take action. It’s like a honey trap or a silent assassin – it does its job without you caring, or even realising, you’re being sold to.

 I know I’ve done a good job when …
…my client tells me my copy’s increased their sales, or whatever the objective was.

 The ideal client is …
…someone who understands the power and value of great copy, gives a clear, detailed brief and a realistic deadline. And doesn’t feel the need to meddle with my copy once it’s carefully crafted!

My favourite type of work is …
…writing about something I’ve not written about before. I’m naturally very nosy and love learning about new things and what other people find interesting or motivating.

 People like my copy because …
…it works.

 Too many people think copywriting is …
…to do with legal protection. And, for those who know it’s writing copy, far too many think it’s best when it’s pompous waffle. Or it’s something that anyone can do.

 To me, copywriting is all about …
…persuasion. Whether you’re trying to get someone to buy, change their opinion or even absorb information, it’s all about persuading someone to do something.

 The thing that drives me mad is …
…sloppiness, grammatical errors and clients asking if I can tweak a piece of copy a day before their deadline when it actually needs a total rewrite.

 If I wasn’t a copywriter, I’d be an …
…interior designer. Both involve lots of research, planning and working out what makes people tick. Both are about making an impact, setting the right mood and getting the balance, flow and details right. And both encourage people to do specific things. But interior design involves SHOPPING!

When I was growing up my parents always told me …
… that sharing is caring and to always try my best, tell the truth and use my manners. I can hear mum’s voice every day when I try to instil the same things in my little boy.

I relax by …
…reading, shopping, watching Grand Designs and researching my latest home interiors project. I’m not sure my husband finds the latter quite so relaxing – he’s a painter and decorator so he knows it’ll inevitably involve work for him.

 My guilty pleasure is …
…TV programmes involving judging. I try not to feel guilty about things but if you mean something I love that lots of people deem to be trash then these shows are it. My hubby and I bond over everything from X Factor to Britain’s Got Talent, The Apprentice, Master Chef and Got To Dance. I’m definitely an armchair expert.

About Laura

I help organisations to be more successful by writing marketing copy that sells, influences and educates. My clients range from big brands to small start-ups and I’ve written about everything from Puma trainers to precision engineering. I’m also into property developing, interiors, antiques, fashion and foodie stuff. And I love lists.


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