Copywriter profiles, Freelance life, This much I know...

Vicky Fraser – Sunflower Communications

This much I know…

A series of interviews with copywriter

"My guilty pleasure is arguing with homeopaths. (Actually, I don’t really feel guilty about that.)"
“My guilty pleasure is arguing with homeopaths. (Actually, I don’t really feel guilty about that.)”

You can recognise great copy because it …

…has a clear message that hits you immediately. It grabs your attention and keeps it. And if it makes me laugh, smile or otherwise emote, it’s bloody great copy.

I know I’ve done a good job when…
…my free time suddenly becomes an endangered species and I’m monopolised by regular clients. Then they refer me to their friends.

The ideal client is …
…someone who knows exactly what they want from the copy, not the copy they want. Someone who is willing to listen to me and let me do what I do best. Someone who knows that sometimes, it’s okay to break the rules of grammar; it’s not a dissertation.

My favourite type of work is …
…anything with a little personality. One of my clients is a charity, running an independent school for disadvantaged kids. I have a relatively free hand, and I love it. I’ve created a prospectus that speaks to real people, is jargon-free, and utterly engaging. That’s the kind of work I love.

People like my copy because …
…it gets results, and it does it with feeling. I inject personality into business messaging, bringing out the people behind the corporation and letting them speak to their audience (funnily enough, also real people).

Too many people think copywriting is …
…banging out a few words, one after the other, for too much money. It’s not; it’s skilled, valuable work. If anybody could do it, I wouldn’t be as busy as I am.

To me, copywriting is all about …

…getting right to the heart of the message clearly and engagingly. It’s about reaching the right people and awakening their passion, enthusiasm and interest (or their credit card).

The thing that drives me mad is …
…some people’s irrational aversion to starting a sentence with ‘and’ or ‘but’. Used sparingly, it’s a marvellous way to liven up writing and add interest.

If I wasn’t a copywriter, I’d be a …
…circus performer. Trapeze, pole and silks. With fewer bruises than I have as an amateur.

When I was growing up my parents always told me …
…find something you love, and learn to do it well. That way, your job won’t just pay your bills. Good advice, that.

I relax by …
…climbing sheer rock faces with nary a hint of terror.

My guilty pleasure is …
…arguing with homeopaths. (Actually, I don’t really feel guilty about that.)

About Vicky

Vicky is a copywriter based in Leamington Spa. She’s got a tonne of experience writing PR for charities, and half a tonne of experience writing for schools, technology companies, scientific organisations and small businesses. Amongst her clients are Nokia, Samsung and a host of other excellent firms. She really, really likes cheese.


2 Comment(s)

  1. Roger Kerry

    We are looking at new member recruitment campaigns……….which start with fantastic copy!!
    Yes!! the old fashioned direct mail campaigns that still seem to work

    22nd October 2015 at 7:34 pm | Reply

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