We’ve designed these logos to help boost your credibility as a professional copywriter.
Just click on the desired logo to open in a new window then right-click to save it.
If you have completed our Breakthrough Copywriting course, you are entitled to use the Graduate logo.
If you have joined the Academy, you are entitled to use the Member logo.
Whichever logo you use on your site or social media page, please add a link to http://www.copywritingacademy.co.uk.
This helps us gain visibility and you gain credibility by linking to a well-known and respected copywriting site.
3 Comment(s)
Thanks Andy,
This is fantastic. I am just starting out, with an almost $0 budget, so this is a real shot in the arm. Hope I can repay you some day.
Thanks again.
Dear Andy,
Though am still working on my website, but nevertheless I want to say to you a big thank you. Honestly speaking, you don’t need us for visibility, but surely we need you for credibility. Your thoughtfulness is one in a million.
You will also receive abundantly!
Many thanks,
Thanks, Andy. I enjoyed reading your book and learnt many useful skills.
I appreciate the link and logo. It’s now on my website.
Looking forward to more tips and ideas.