This year I will…
Happy New Year! Have you made any new year’s resolutions? Eat more healthily? Take more exercise? Be kind to animals? How about professional resolutions? Here are my top ten tips for a more prosperous, successful and enjoyable 2004: This year, I will… …
Stale copy…or jaded palate
At a copywriting workshop I ran recently, someone asked me how he could spice up copy for a product that came out, unchanged, year after year. “It’s boring,” he said. “Boring for whom?” I asked. * If you have ever been tempted …
What does it take to be creative?
It’s fair to describe copywriting as a craft rather than art. But you still need ideas. You still have to be creative. If you’re going to penetrate the miasma of other people’s marketing messages clogging up your reader’s brain, you need to …
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