Puzzled by infographics? Calculate their true value here
May 08, 2014
Ah, infographics, doncha just love ’em?
All those pixels – all that effort. So little content.
Here is my simple method for calculating the value of the next infographic that crosses your transom.
Step 1 Calculate the area of infographic in cm2 when printed out or viewed actual size – call this A.
Step 2 Count the number of facts or interesting ideas contained in infographic – call this F.
Step 3 Divide F by A and multiply the result by 100 – call this Q for information quotient.
Q > 1.0 worth putting this amount of information into graphical format
Q 0.5-1.0 unclear what value is added
Q < 0.5 why bother?
Q < 0.1 waste of everybody’s time